Friday 15 February 2013

Weston calling...

This week I was in the Blue Max. I felt more comfortable this week as i had already been introduced to the staff here, so that made my day easier  I was introduced though to the owner. His name in Simon and he was very welcoming. This week I was given more responsibilities in the restaurant, which made me think that they trusted me more. I was able to take orders for the lunchtime. I was nervous at first but the girl i work with talked me through it and once i had started it and i was fine. There was a tragedy moment when there was a big leak in the hot water tap and it sprayed water all over the front desk! I instinctively just went and dried and mopped it up. I felt happy that i helped in the situation and i felt the manager was happy with me as well. For the rest of the day i just swept up, took orders and dried dishes. I was also very happy that i had finally learned how to make the different coffees and was able to make them without asking for help!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Back to the groomers...

This week I was back in Top Dogs. I was busier this week as there was more dogs in. Ii had to wash 3 of the dogs, Sammy, Collie and Jack. It was difficult at the start as they kept trying to get out of the big wash bath, but Margot helped me and instructed me what to do and then it was fine. She also told me how to stop them shaking and covering me in water, which was very helpful! I had to dry them then and I left them in the cages with the dryer on. While the dogs were drying I walked some of the other dogs around the area. I enjoyed doing this as I'm experienced in walking dogs, due to my own. When I came back in I was given a lesson in how to groom the feet and clip the nails. It was very interesting to see how much work needs to be done to just one dog. After this I took the dogs I had washed out and gave them a manual dry. It was then time for them to be fed to I helped Margot with this. My favourite dog that day was Harley. He was on daycare there and he was a Bichon Frise. I really enjoyed today and I'm looking forward to next week!

Saturday 26 January 2013

The Blue Max....

This week i was in the restaurant. When i first arrived i was introduced to the staff and shown around. I first had to clean all of the whiskey and spirit bottles and the shelves. This went grand and when i was finished i was on dishes duty. I had to dry and refill the the steamer. After this i was just on the floor, clearing tables, re setting them and taking peoples orders if they needed me. I learned how to make the different types of coffee here as well as they are a popular option for people. There had been a party that weekend to the party area had to have the floor cleaned so i did that. At the end of the day we just swept up for when people coming for dinner were going to arrive. I didn't have to stay for the evening shift but i really had a fun and busy day.

Dog groomers and a restaurant.... what?

For my second placement of work experience i am in 2 places, Top Dogs grooming salon and Blue Max Bistro. I am in these 2 places as the groomers doesn't know if i she will need me every Wednesday  so when she doesn't i will go to the restaurant. For the first day i was in the groomers. She didn't have many dogs but she needed to completely clean the place out so i helped with that. I wasn't the most exciting day but i felt that i had done my best and that my employer was happy with what i had done.